February brings us many things, none of which is generally warmth, sunshiny days, or much if any riding at all. It is depressing really. Suffering from parked motorcycle syndrome is a totally sucky part of living in this state that we love. We can all band together and get through it though. Make a point of getting out to the swap meets, bike shows, lobby days at the State Capital, and just swinging by your local dealers and shops and let them know that you are still alive. We are all in this thing together, and once again we will get through it! Gather with as many like minded folks as you can, as frequently as you can, and I promise, it will make this stupid season more bearable.
We have been working hard trying to find more events for the Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa FREE event listing. This is on the back cover, or inside back cover of the magazine every month and has been for over a decade and a half. On top of the print version, we share the event listing on our Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa Facebook page every Monday so people can plan for the week and weeks ahead. We also share our list with The Biker Lawyers that they post onto their social media and their website. We share their events, they share our events, and we both try to get whatever we can for biker events onto the listing. We have always held that if people don’t know what is going on, they will not be able to get out and about to these events. Make sure to let us know about your 2025 riding season events to get them on the list. Email the date, name of the event, and starting location town to
When getting out and about to different places over the past few months, it sure seems like the world is a completely different place than it was a mere handful of years ago. I hate to use a lame ass expression from the chinavirus days, but this “new normal” is certainly something to get used to. Some of it seems to be quite off from what we were used to, and some is the opposite of the “old normal” but nonetheless, we are still here. We are plugging away, trying to make the best of the world that we live in. We are trying to be good people and keep things going. We certainly enjoy what we do here and have been doing going on 15 years, but it has never been easy or a walk in the park. It is a labor of love to try to keep all of this corralled month after month, but I would not have it any other way. We are truly blessed for the great people that have graced our staff page over the years. We are indebted to the readers and page flippers who pick up this rag we love and check it out on a regular basis. We are pleased with the people that pay for a subscription to get our wares delivered to their mailbox every month. We are even more thankful for the people that have helped us keep the lights on by advertising in Thunder Roads Magazine of Iowa. Without all of the aforementioned folks, we could not do what we do and share our corner of the Iowa Biker Life with all of you. Thank you, tons, for following us on this journey. We look forward to many more years of awesome print for you folks and future generations. Thank you!
Last note for this month, I would like to wish my lovely wife and partner Melanie a Happy Birthday on the 22nd of February. I am not even going to be rude and tell you all how old she is, as that is not nice, especially at her age. Hope you enjoy your present! You know what I mean! Lol
Until next month, be safe, dream of riding often.